extensive catalogue of movies ensures that 123Movies is amongst the most popular free
streaming sites around the world. It is used extensively by many who wish
to stream content online without any payments. But is using 123Movies safe? Is it even legal?
Is Using 123Movies Legal?
sites, free or not, typically share copyrighted content. This means they’re
generally governed by copyright laws, which determine whether or not they’re
legal. Free movies streaming sites like 123Movies
generally lack the rights to the movies they host.
makes them ILLEGAL in most countries. However, while some countries acknowledge
their illegality and enforce the laws, others do not particularly class them as
illegal, and still, others simply turn a blind eye to their activities. The
legal status of the website will, therefore, depend on your country of
What are the Legal Consequences of Using
punishment for copyright violations varies from country to country. For the most
part, authorities focus their energies on the distributors, shutting down their
websites and dragging them to court.
countries where the consumers of copyrighted materials are prosecuted,
punishment is typically limited to a hefty fine. Others let you off with a
warning. And still, others simply fail to enforce the consequences of violation.
To understand your fate, you must acquaint yourself with your local laws.
Is 123Movies Safe?
123Movies has a high probability of
damaging your computer. Due to numerous bans and takedowns, the website has
changed its face many times. These days, the original
123Movies site is hard to tell, with many 123Movies proxies and clones
rising in its stead.
easy to find 123Movies
proxies and clones littered with malware and viruses. These may find them the way into your PC when you click a malicious link, or when you download your
How to Safely Stream Movies on 123Movies
safest, most secure way to stream on 123Movies
is by using a VPN.
VPNs provide you with complete internet anonymity, dissociating your streams
from your person, and giving you legal cover. They also protect your computer,
with malware blockers hiding and nullifying malicious links.
begin safely streaming
any movie on 123Movies, you should:
- Identify
your desired VPN
for streaming. We strongly recommend ExpressVPN
for its speed and security.
- Install the VPN and connect to a server in a friendly
- Visit 123Movies and begin streaming.
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